📣We want to inspire the next generation of changemakers – and you can help! We're working to get the inspiring stories of Suffragettes & other women activists into Scotland's schools.
Help us by making a donation of any amount.
We have over 100 schools waiting to receive a free or subsidised Education Pack on Scotland's Suffrage History – your donation will go help us gift more Packs to schools across Scotland.
đź—ŁYou can support our efforts by making a donation, and spreading the word by sharing our socials.
We've just given 100 📚Education Packs📦 on Scotland's Suffrage History to schools across Scotland – that's 700 decks of Suffragette Trumps cards and 1,000 zines, and 7,000 pages of digital teaching resources – and we're aiming for 100 more!
THANK YOU for helping us Celebrate Scotland's Suffragettes!